Strawberry Tart

Couldn't resist buying those red beauties. I will eat strawberries without dressing them up at all. I love strawberries. My family requested that I "do" something with the huge container I brought home. Had never made a strawberry tart so this was a gamble. It was really delicious. The whipped cream topping didn't hurt. I used the same toasted pecan crust that I had made to go with my chocolate tart last summer. Just enhanced a container of premade strawberry glaze with a tablespoon of Gran Marnier & a couple of tablespoons of wild straberry gelatin to help thicken the glaze. This got the thumbs up last weekend!


K and S said…
That looks gorgeous!
Valentina said…
Fran, toasted pecan crust sounds amazing. will revisit your blog for old posts. I also love the idea of Gran marnier in the glaze. Very successful!!!
Peabody said…
Beautiful tart.
Aimée said…
Wow, looks superb, are you sure this is your first? :)
Abitofafoodie said…
What a beautiful tart - it is so perfect looking, it almost doesn't look real! The pecan crust sounds great.
Thank you for looking at my blog.
Anonymous said…
We would like to feature this recipe on our blog. Please email if interested. Thanks :)

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