Find the Kitty--WCB #39

Yes, this is a Tilly picture. She was a great helper this morning;) Originally, I wanted to post this just to show the daffodils and the story behind them. The flowers and the little journal were gifts to me last week on my birthday. They were hand delivered in the pretty yellow bag by a darling student of mine. Sometimes the perks we receive that are job related are not material but from the heart. This was just what I needed on this particular birthday. If you have read my previous posts, you know that the past 3+ months have included some trials--which I realize are not unique to me alone. If you could see the sweetness and sincerity with which the bouquet was delivered you would just melt. The surprise part of these flowers (a real bonus) is that they are all attached to pens!

Now to the Tilly part. Have any of you read that cats don't see color? I am convinced that Miss Tilly does indeed see at least green. She will try to eat anything that is green--lettuce, cabbage, spinach, corn husks and yes, silk plants! So now I guess I have given her hiding place away. She thought she would just slyly sneak around the back & take a little bite.

Today I am most thankful for job perks from the heart and one sneaky kitty!
Don't forget to go visit today to see all of the weekend WCB's.


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday
That is a great photo. Kiri will try and eat or at least sniff everyone.
Fran said…
Thanks Paz & Clare-- I know she can see color--I just know it. She knows and sees everything so why not color? If you click on the pic to enlarge it you can see her eyes in the upper left. Have a great week!
Fran said…
Hi Tin--thank you. Yes you can just see her golden eyes if youenlarge the picture. What a sneaky little kitty! Reminds me of a leopard in the jungle. Haha a 6 pound leopard.
Valentina said…
Frank, belated happy birthday. what a lovely present you got.I enlarged the picture and could see Tilly. Her eyes tell a story on their own.
Anonymous said…
Finally!! I saw her gorgeous tail. Beautiful flowers, I have some in my yard.

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