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Worth Waking Up For! WCB #29

So glad to read Clare's wonderful news that Kiri is back! I woke Tilly girl up from a nap just to give her a hug and tell her I was glad she is here when I read the news. People without pets really don't know the joy they miss. We are so fortunate to share our lives with our pets. Believe it or not I didn't stage this photo. Tilly came up with napping on the sofa with the pillow and the quilt. She is a sweetie. We hope that all the pet lovers in the world have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy each other's company--especially Kiri and his people.
At first, when I read your comment in my blog, I wasn't sure where I knew you from, but then I realized our common bond is Clare. :) And I wouldn't have "met" Clare at all if not for my best friend Milgwimper (she doesn't like her name used). She and Clare are online friends and frequently comment in each others' blogs. Everyone is connected to everyone else, if you just look far enough! *chuckle*
Your cat Tilly looks like she has a lot of character! :) I enjoyed her cute photo. I'm also looking forward to perusing some of the back entries of your blog, now that we've "met". I'm not so keen on cooking, but I do like baking, so I'm sure I'll find some good inspiration here. In the future, I'll also be commenting on some of your blog entries. I love comments -- both giving and receiving 'em! *chuckle*
In the meantime, I hope you and your loved ones are having a great holiday season. Stay well!
Shari in Cali.
P.S. Where in AZ are you? I have some cousins who live there.